Good Morning, Mr.Orwell (1984)
The Communications Revolution (1960)

"Any change in handling information (or) communication is bound to cause a great readjustment of all the social patterns, the educational patterns, the sources and conditions of political power, public opinion patterns."

"Now radio is shaping a global culture — it’s global in the extent of its resource availability."

"The audience is making a new form of association among its own members — they are making a new reality, a new art form."

"We’re just trying to fit the old things into the new form, instead of asking what the new form is going to do to all the assumptions we had before."

Interview with Nam June Paik

"George Orwell was wrong. George Orwell was definitely wrong."

"East Germany was liberated by TV. Yesterday's Times say that satellite is changing China."

"I'm trying to aspect more humane aspect of technology, intersecting point of hardware and software."

"TV illustrated dictatorship, for it was one-side communication. Democracy meant to be speak back. but through TV we couldnt."

Global Village (1967)
Televisions Debating (1976)

"The closer you get together, the more you like each other? There is no evidence of that in any situation that we have ever heard of. When people get close together, they get more and more savage and impatient with each other."

"At this moment, we are on the air. We do not have any physical body. When you’re on the telephone or on radio or on T.V., you don’t have a physical body - you’re just an image on the air. When you don’t have a physical body, you’re a discarnate being. You have a very different relation to the world around you. I think this has been one of the big effects of the electric age. It has deprived people really of their identity."

"The glorious moment was the rebellion of the medium against the bloody message. The medium finally rebelled against the most stupid arrangement of any debate in the history of debating."

"What those men said last night was merely to hold the audience on the image. It did not matter at all what was said last night. The image was what mattered."

"It is the present which is also the future."

Global Groove (1973)
1968: Is this the FUTURE of TELEVISION

Good Morning, Mr.Orwell (1984)

1961: Aldous Huxley on the power of TECHNOLOGY

"Technology was made for man and not man for technology."

ProtoVise: Shaping ID's, Swapping Worlds
1967: The Future of the Future is the Present
1994: Are YOU Ready for the INTERNET_

Advent of "Electronic SuperHighway"

Man and Media (1977)

Video as a Quest for Identity (1977)

"All of man’s artifacts, of language, of laws, of ideas, hypotheses, tools, clothing, computers — all of these are extensions of our physical bodies."

"In the electric age, the alteration of human identity by new service environments of information have left whole populations without personal or community values to a degree that far exceeds the effects of food, fuel, and energy shortages"

"The distance between him and the people he’s bombing make them into an impersonal target – no longer human beings like himself, with whom he can identify"

"Electric media in general amplify information, range, and scope, pushing information into a service environment by simultaneity. Electric media obsolesce the visual, the connected, the logical, the rational. They retrieve the subliminal, tactile, dialogue, and involvement. They reverse finally all hardware into software."

Good Morning, Mr.Orwell (1984)
Nam June Paik
Marshall McLuhan
Nam June Paik
Marshall McLuhan
Nam June Paik
BBC Archive
Nam June Paik
BBC Archive
Aldous Huxley (BBC Archive)
Kevin Bray
Marshall McLuhan
BBC Archive
Marshall McLuhan
Nam June Paik